Category: Event

Local History Talk 17 April

Tuesday 17th April, 7.30. p.m. in the Village Hall –  A talk by Stephen Moorhouse, Landscape Historian, ‘ Reconstructing the Historic Landscape in the Slingsby Area’. Open to all.

Slingsby church tower – stonemason visit


Short talk about the restoration works and visit to the stonemason’s workshop

3 p.m. Thursday 22nd March 2012.

This has been arranged for those who would like to see what is happening on the tower at present and to look at the new carved parapet stones and blind arcading before they are put in position on the tower.

Matthius Garn, the master stone mason has kindly  agreed to give a short explanation of the works followed by a trip to the masons workshop at Skirpenbeck where the missing pinnacle to the tower is still being worked on. This is approximately 25/30 minutes easy drive from Slingsby.

There are a number of people going who are taking cars so please turn up to the talk even if you have no transport, and lifts can be arranged on the day.

Further information from Margaret Mackinder 01653 628303 or  [email protected]

Community Emergency Awareness Event

Thursday 15 March 2012, 3pm-7pm, Hovingham Village Hall

Organised jointly by NYCC, Environment Agency,Ryedale Police, NY Fire and Rescue Service and Hovingham Parish Council and Environmental Action Group, this event aims to help residents be prepared for emergencies and be aware of the assistance available. Digital UK should also be there to talk through the digital switchover. Drop into Hovingham Village Hall any time between 3pm and 7pm on 15 March.

Slingsby Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Meeting

Tuesday 27 March, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall.  A meeting has been arranged at the Village Hall on Tuesday 27th March for all those people interested in putting forward ideas and suggestions for the way that the village/parish could participate in the forthcoming Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Please attend if possible if you want to have a say.

Janet Clarke