Category: Event

Diamond Jubilee Planning meeting 17 May

Thursday 17 May 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee planning meeting. Contacts: Janet Clarke Tel. 01653 628625 or Christine Crouch Tel. 01653 628470.

Open Garden in Skewsby 6 May

Sunday 6 May 2012, 12-5pm, Skewsby  – Rewela Cottage gardens open for charity.  Admission £3.50 (children free).  All monies raised are for the National Gardens Scheme charities.

Annual Parish Assembly 24 April

Tuesday 24 April 7pm, Village Hall – The Annual Parish meeting open to all residents is your opportunity to make your views known, ask questions of councillors and make a difference. Our Ryedale Councillor Robert Wainwright and our NY County Councillor Clare Wood will both be there, along with Parish Councillors. You are urged to attend. Don’t grumble on the side-lines!

We expect the meeting to include Digital switchover, Affordable Housing, Streetlights and the new Homes Bonus, along with reports from Councillors.

Nash Ensemble to launch Ryedale Festival

13th April 2012, 7.30pm, St Peter’s Church, Norton. The Ryedale Festival’s Launch Concert will this year be given by the world-renowned Nash Ensemble, who will be playing works by Beethoven, Schubert and Berwald. At the end of this concert will be revealed the programme for this year’s festival (13-29 July).

To book tickets at £18  (Allocated centre section) and £12 (Unallocated side aisles), please ring the Box Office on 01751 475777. If no one is available please leave your name and number and they will ring back as soon as possible. Alternatively e-mail [email protected] with your name and number and the Box Office will call you.

More details can be found at:

More information about the Nash ensemble can be found at:

May Day Celebrations 7th May 2012

May Day Celebrations will take place on Slingsby Green on 7th May complete with Maypole dancers from Slingsby school. A variety of stalls will be on the green including plants, cakes, bric-a-brac, children’s games, Wood items, raffle etc. Tea and coffee will be available all afternoon.

Programme of Events for May Day Celebrations 7th May

12.30pm – White Star Band playing

1.00pm – Stalls Open

1.45pm – Maypole dancing by the children of Slingsby School

2.15pm – Garland Dancers from Scarborough

White Star band playing

Draw the Raffle

2.45pm – Maypole dancing by the children of Slingsby School

3.15pm- Garland Dancers from Scarborough