Category: Event

United Songs of Praise

Sunday 12th Aug at 10.30am on The Green, Slingsby.  A united Songs of Praise, followed by refreshments. Hymn requests welcome. (In All Saints’ Church if wet). Please contact Beryl Bowes on 690663 or Philip Roberts on 628709. All are welcome.

Car boot sale (for Allotments Association)

Sunday 12 Aug, 7am to 2pm, Slingsby sports field (weather permitting)

The proceeds of this car boot will be going to Slingsby Allotments Association. We will be running a tombola and having a cake stall. If you have any prizes or are able to provide cakes, buns or biscuits please could you deliver to Brian Clarke at 34 Sycamore Close (Tel. 628625). Your support is much appreciated.

During the current year Slingsby Allotments Association has had two vacancies on the allotments which have been let to residents in the Parish. If you are interested in having a plot and have not put your name on the waiting then I would strongly recommend that you give me your details as the wait may not be as long as you think. Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton parishioners have priority for any vacancies. Allocations are made in date order so the quicker you put your name on the list the sooner you may get an offer of a plot. Don’t miss out, please contact Brian Clarke on 628625. Many thanks.


NB. General car boot queries?

Please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30pm – 10.30pm, Saturday 8.30pm – 11.30pm and Sunday 8.30pm – 10.30pm)

Hovingham Market: August 4th

We haven’t done any reminders for Hovingham market for a while, so here’s one just to refresh the memory. The award winning Hovingham Market will take place in August on Saturday 4th from 10.30am-2.30pm and is well worth a visit.

For more information about the market go to

“Lost” and “Found”, Pickering

Thursday 26 July, 3pm, Kirk Theatre Pickering.

Two funny, sharp and biting comedies of modern life, set on the Yorkshire Coast, by award-winning playwrights John Godber and Jane Thornton.

In collaboration with the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough

Contact the Ryedale Festival Box Office on 01751 475777 (we recommend you call between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm) or email: [email protected]  
