Category: Event

Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication

2nd Sept 6.30pm. Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication following the completion of the tower repairs at All Saints’ Slingsby, a time to give thanks for the support, hard work, and generosity of so many, as we celebrate the completion of the Tower repairs. The Bishop of Selby, the Rt. Revd. Martin Wallace will be the preacher.

All welcome. Light refreshments afterwards.

Car boot 9 Sep Churchtower fund

Sunday 9th September, from 7am, Slingsby Sports field     

Car Boot Sale stalls (rearranged from July )

In aid of the Church Tower Fund.

Contributions and help are very welcome:

Tombola Prizes – please deliver to Pat Calvert at Wheatlands Farm Railway Streetby Thursday 6th September

Cakes, produce and good quality bric-a-brac (no electricals or clothes please) deliver in advance to Maurag Carmichael at Porch House, The Green ( 628982) or early on the day direct to the stall. Unwanted costume jewellery to Margaret Mackinder , Wyville House, The Lawns 9 628303)

NB. General Car boot queries?

Please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30pm – 10.30pm, Saturday 8.30pm – 11.30pm and Sunday 8.30pm – 10.30pm)

Car boot sale 27 Aug

Monday 27 August, from 7 am – Car boot sale on Slingsby Sports Field.

NB. Car boot queries?

Please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30pm – 10.30pm, Saturday 8.30pm – 11.30pm and Sunday 8.30pm – 10.30pm).

All Saints Church Big Clean-up!

Saturday 25th Aug from 9.30am, All Saints Church Slingsby

Following on from completion of the restoration work, All Saints’ Church now needs a thorough clean inside and out. The small and ageing regular congregation need your help. Please spare an hour to join in the Clean-up Working Party.  Refreshments provided. Please assemble from 9:30am at the Church.