Category: Event

It’s Pudding Time in Slingsby Village Hall

Friday 19th October 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall

It’s Pudding Time in Slingsby Village Hall! 

Join us on Friday 19th October at 7pm for a cookery demonstration followed by sampling 6 desserts.

Tickets cost £6 per person, which includes tea/coffee (please bring your own wine if desired).  Tickets are available from Trudy 628302  or Janet 628625.  All proceeds to the Village Hall fund.

Autumn Apple Feast


Saturday 22nd September, Slingsby Village Hall, 2 pm to 4 pm.

Autumn Apple Feast  in aid of the Church Tower Fund.

Cream teas. Stalls including produce, cakes and raffle.

Entrance £3 (£2 children); includes cream tea.

Contributions to stalls very welcome in advance (to Ann Wilson 01653 628567 or Margaret Mackinder 01653 628303) or deliver to the Village Hall at 2pm on the day.


Local History meeting – interpreting old documents

Tuesday 18th September  7.30 pm in the Village Hall

Local history group meeting:  Interpreting old deeds and documents. What they can tell us about the history of the village. We have a series of interesting old deeds to examine, but if you have any relating to your own house in Slingsby please bring them along for all to have a look at.

Kate Giles and Margaret Mackinder

Slingsby Produce Show

15 September 2012 at 2 pm in Slingsby Village Hall.

Free Admission.

Tea and cakes for sale.

Prize Raffle.