Category: Event

Hovingham Market: 3rd birthday


Some news regarding Hovingham Market that takes place on October 6th. Mark Woolley of Hovingham Village Market explains:-

‘Just a neighbourly reminder that this Saturday 6th October is Hovingham village market 10.30 to 1.30. We will be celebrating our 3rd birthday and our first market following being crowned “Yorkshire Life Farmers Market of the Year” earlier this month.

We will have a harvest theme and an apple pressing by the community orchards of Husthwaite, who invite people to bring their apples for pressing to the market (they pay 20p per KG). Swinton brass band will also be playing from 10.30. Scackleton church will be running the community cafe.

Everyone from Slingsby is invited and will be made most welcome.’

Local History Group planning meeting

Tuesday 16th October 2012, 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

Planning meeting for projects up to Easter 2013, and an opportunity to continue the study theme from the September meeting (old property documents).

More about this and the November meeting  HERE

Coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support

Saturday 29 September, 10am till noon, Worsley Arms, Hovingham


Hope you can come along and give us your support. We have a super raffle with many prizes donated by the Worsley Arms suppliers, including a round of golf, fruit basket, booze and much more!

Gwyn Green, [email [email protected]]

Monday Badminton season opens

Slingsby Badminton Club’s new season starts on Monday 15th October at 7.30pm in Slingsby Village Hall. We are a mixed age group with varying levels of skills. Our matches are played on Monday evenings from autumn to Easter. If you are interested please come along. There is no annual subscription and you only pay for each session you play. We are a friendly bunch and new members are very welcome.

More information from Janet on tel 628625 or Barbara on tel 628107.

Harvest Festival Service

On Sunday 30th September,  a Harvest Festival Service led by Rev David Emison will take place at Slingsby Methodist Church at  10.30am

It will be followed by a bring and share lunch.