Category: Event

Slingsby Village Hall AGM

Slingsby Village Hall AGM is being held on Monday 18th March at 7pm in the Village Hall Committee room . All welcome

Local History Group Meeting

Ahead of our Local History Day (9 March), the Local History Group meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th February, at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall Committee Room.  This is a working  meeting to plan for the exhibition and to exchange information which is being collected at the moment.  For more information visit the Local History pages of this website.

Local History Day – The Shops and Businesses of Slingsby

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This year our Local History Day (9 March) will be taking a look at the shops and businesses of Slingsby. During the 19th-century, the village was pretty well self-sufficient in services, and into the 20th-century it was still possible to obtain most of what you needed to live on without actually leaving the village. In fact, up until the Second World War for many, leaving the village to visit Malton or beyond was a rare event.

Last year the event focussed on farming around Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton, so this year we have decided to take a look at the businesses which supported farming. On Saturday 9th March, the Local History Group will bring together an exhibition of old photographs and objects relating to the shops and businesses of Slingsby, and at 2.30pm Dr Kate Giles will give a brief talk about the items on display.

We would also like to hear and record your memories of businesses in Slingsby. If your family ran a small business or you can remember shopping in the village years ago, please come and tell us about it on the Saturday morning at 10.30 a.m.

The Local History Day will be held in All Saints Church and Slingsby Village Hall, with a £2.00 entrance fee and £1.50 for refreshments.


Parish Council Meeting 14 January

Monday 14th January, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall

Regular meeting of the Parish Council. Residents welcome.

To see the Agenda, follow the link below:

 Agenda PC meeting January 14 2013