Category: Event

Car Boot Sale: Monday May 27th


A reminder that a car boot sale for the cricket club will be taking place this bank holiday Monday on Slingsby’s sports field,  from 7 am to 2 pm (weather permitting, of course).

N.B. For general car boot queries, please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm, Saturday 8.30 pm – 11.30 pm and Sunday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm).

For  information about the car boot sale dates for this year, go to the sportsfield page.

Open Gardens in Slingsby 14th July

open gardens in slingsby 2013 poster

An open gardens in Slingsby event, with proceeds in aid of Village Hall funds, will be taking place on Sunday 14th July from 1pm until 5pm.

Currently ten gardens are taking part with another two still to be confirmed.

There will be refreshments from 12pm, plants for sale and a tombola.

Slingsby School Family Fun Day/Duck Race


Saturday 6th July 12.00 – 4.00pm, Slingsby Sportsfield

The Family Fun Day/Duck Race fundraiser is to be held on Slingsby Sportsfield on Saturday 6th July 12.00 – 4.00pm.  Come and enjoy:

Birds of Prey, Crazy Fun Bus, Dancing, Stalls, Duck Race and many more attractions.

Street Churches Talk by Dav Smith

StreetChurches image

Tuesday 18 June, 7.30pm, Slingsby Village Hall


will present a talk by Dav Smith on work for his PhD thesis at York University on the Street Churches.
He will update us on more fascinating information he has unearthed in the archives since his last visit. The talk will cover all the churches along The Street (the old Roman road between Malton and Hovingham)

The meeting is open to residents from all the parishes and beyond.

Venue : Slingsby Village Hall, 7 . 30 p.m. on Tuesday 18th June
Entrance  £3.00 (Regular members of Slingsby Local History Group  – £2.00)




Roman Glass event at Milton Rooms

Roman glass

Thursday 6 June, 10am – 1.30pm, Malton, the Milton Rooms

MALTON MUSEUM IN THE COMMUNITY presents a chance to Handle and Explore


With Professor Jenny Price at The Milton Rooms

Thurs 6th June 10am – 1:30pm

Contact Margaret Shaw on 01653 697845

£5 per person, including Tea/Coffee

For tickets, please send:



Email address:

Number of tickets required:

Amount enclosed: £  

with your payment to:

Mrs Margaret Shaw, 109 Scarborough Road, Norton, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8AA

Roman Glass event flyer