
Arboretum Birds of Prey Day – Sunday 14th June


Birds of Prey Day at The Yorkshire Arboretum, Castle Howard, on Sunday 14th June 2015 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Arboretum says:- “A special chance to witness a falconry display where you’ll get the chance to learn all about these spectacular birds.”

There is no charge, and no need to book. Usual arboretum entry fees for non-members will apply.

We have this information from the Arboretum website calendar  here – there are many other interesting events taking place during the summer.



Hovingham Chapel Bicentenary 13th/14th June

On Saturday June 13th 2015 Hovingham Methodist Chapel celebrate their 200th Anniversary by offering an exhibition of their memorabilia and history in the Chapel from 10am to 4pm, with a talk on the subject at 3pm by Sue Goodwill.

At 7pm on Saturday there will be a concert by York City Gospel Choir in Hovingham Village Hall. Tickets £5 from Sue Goodwill on 628077 or Margaret Silver on 628922

On Sunday June 14th there will be an Anniversary Service at 10.30am in Hovingham Chapel, led by Rev. David Emison, and followed by coffee and the cutting of an anniversary cake.

We wish our neighbours a  Happy Anniversary!

Magna Carta anniversary Malton Museum Sunday 14th June @ 2p.m.


Magna Carta Anniversary at Malton Museum, The Assembly Rooms, Yorkersgate, Malton on Sunday 14th Jun 2015 from 2-4 p.m.

To celebrate the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta, Malton Museum is hosting a free event. There will be many such “LiberTeas” taking place around the country.

Enjoy tea and cake in the Georgian surroundings of The Assembly Rooms in the centre of Malton. There will be short talks during the afternoon; firstly a Magna Carta Dame from the USA will tell us how Magna Carta influenced the American Constitution, then a Circuit Judge will ask and answer “What’s so special about democracy and liberty?”

Finally a local author will give a talk entitled “Magna Carta and a social journey”.

Tea and cake will be served at 3 p.m. followed by a question and answer session with the speakers.

Booking is advised as there are only 60 places.

There are steps at the venue but access for wheelchairs can be arranged.

Email [email protected] to book .

(The splendidly named Eustace de Vesci was Malton’s very own Magna Carta Baron, one of 25 Barons appointed under the terms of Magna Carta to make sure King John kept to its terms. Another good reason to come to the Museum for this celebration.)


Duck Race/Family Fun Day Saturday 20th June


Family Fun Day Slingsby Sportsfield 20th June 2015 from 12 noon to 4 p.m.

On Saturday 20th June at 3 p.m. over a thousand ducks will be released into Slingsby Beck for Slingsby School’s annual duck race.

The duck race is part of the Family Fun Day organised by the Friends of Slingsby School (FOSS) to raise funds for the School. The Fun Day runs from noon to 4 p.m. on the Sportsfield.

There will be face painting, bouncy castles and tombola and this year also a demonstration of birds of prey and fairground rides such as swing boats.

Refreshments are available throughout the afternoon and entry is free.

Ducks, priced at £1 can be bought on the day. Prizes will be awarded for the first 3 ducks to cross the line and there will be a special prize for the duck that comes last..

Last year FOSS raised over £2000 for the School. Please come along and support them.

The FOSS Facebook page is here with other ways to support the event

(If you are in Morrisons in Malton tomorrow, Saturday 6th June please look out for the FOSS parents and sponsor a duck – you know you want to)



Nursing in the Great War – Saturday 6th June at 10.30 a.m.

Saturday 6th June 2015 at 10.30 a.m. in The Grapes.

Eileen Brereton will speak about  her recent research and publication on nursing in the First World War, and will have copies of her book for sale.

This may be  of particular interest to those who remember Miss Ursula Lascelles, a well known Slingsby resident who lived at Slingsby Heights for nearly 100 years.
She was a nurse during the First World War. She kept a journal  – a mixture of commentary on current events, cuttings and other memorabilia, now in the County Archives, which Mrs Brereton has drawn on for her research.

This event has been organised by our Local History Group.
Entrance, including coffee  – £2.50