
Children’s Halloween Party 31st October 2017

Tuesday 31st October from 4.30pm-6pm at Slingsby Village Hall. Friends of Slingsby School are hosting a Halloween Party for all children aged 12 years and under. Tickets cost £3.50 each and are available from Slingsby School or on the door.

Tickets include a hot dog, fries and drink, as well as spooky fun and music from DJ Frankensmith.

Bring along a carved pumpkin for the chance to win a prize. There will also be a sweetie tuck shop available so remember to bring some extra pennies.


Soupa Lunch on 18th October 2017

Methodist church and school room

Wednesday 18th October at 12 noon in Slingsby Methodist Chapel Schoolroom. Soupa lunch – Come along for soup, sandwiches, a pudding and good chat. There is no charge but donations are welcome.  No need to book, just come along, all are welcome.  Contacts are Stephen & Rachel Prest 628277.

The Baedeker Raid on York lecture on 18th October 2017

Friends of Malton Museum lecture on Wednesday 18th October 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Library, East Wing, Malton School, Middlecave Road, Malton. Admission is free to Friends, others are welcome at a charge of £3.

The Friends say:-

The presentation by Malcolm Brook initially looks at the background to the raid which occurred in the early hours of the 29th April 1942. It examines the often criticised RAF response which will allow the audience to decide for itself whether the criticism was justified.

How can one word alter the understanding of what happened to the troop train that was trapped in York station?

When the graves of the casualties were being located, the moving details of one particular death came to light.

Wartime photographs of the bomb damage in York have been matched to their present day location.


Slingsby Local History Group meeting on 17th October 2017

Tuesday 17th October 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall Committee room. Local history group meeting. Wildlife, Fauna and Flora in Slingsby. Simon Conyers will share his knowledge of the wild flowers and plants around Slingsby and the Group will look at how species and habitats have changed over the last 100 years.


Pudding Party on Friday 20th October 2017

Pudding Party at Slingsby Village Hall on Friday 20th October starting at 7 p.m

Tickets cost £6 and include samplings of 6 desserts, as well as tea or coffee.

Please bring your own wine if you wish.

Further details and tickets from Trudy (628302) or Janet (628625).

Proceeds are for Hall funds