
Cricket Cup Final – Friday 7th August 2015 at 6.15 pm

Cricket Cup Final at Slingsby Sports Field on Friday 7th August 2015 at 6.15 p.m.

Slingsby are playing Fadmoor at home in a final of the Feversham Supplementary Cup.

Can we carry off the Cup? Who will be Man of the Match?

The Gazette and Herald praised our Club this week for playing all their matches in the Feversham League, even when they could not bring a full team .

The Supplementary Cup allows only 3 overs for each bowler in an 18 overs per side match, and batsmen have to retire after scoring 25 runs.

The idea behind it is to give greater opportunities for players who are rarely involved in batting or bowling in normal Evening League cricket.

Good luck to our team!




Tennis open sessions – August 2015 – Tuesdays at 7 pm


Slingsby Tennis court open sessions August 2015 -Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

Geoff Bishop writes:-

It is good to report that the tennis courts are being used by young and old and it has been decided to make Tuesdays at 7pm an open time when anyone can come and join in the fun on a challenging surface! So if you are someone who hasn’t played for years but would love to start again, this is for you! Any standard welcome.

You are, of course, free to play at any time on any day. See you there!

(We understand the sessions will continue through August and maybe longer, depending on weather and light conditions)





BIG CLEAN OF SLINGSBY CHURCH Saturday 8th August 2015 from 10 a.m.

Annual Big Clean of Slingsby Church on Saturday 8th August 2015 from 10 a.m.

Please can you spare an hour to help?

The church members write:-

We are very grateful to the regular volunteers who join the rota for routine cleaning of the church, and thank them for their continued support. Once a year we try to tackle some of the extra things our regular volunteer cleaners do not have the time to do, to keep the church looking welcoming for visitors and regular users.

Keeping this large building looking good is a heavy task for the small regular congregation, so please could you spare an hour to come and help?

Mid-morning refreshments will be provided.

Please assemble from 10 a.m. bringing sweeping brushes, dusters etc. and any other equipment for the jobs which you feel you can help with such as:  

Inside: dusting, sweeping, window cleaning, polishing, higher cleaning, cleaning the kitchen area, brass and silver cleaning.

 Outside: removal of ivy and other growth from around church walls, clearing weeds around drains, sweeping porch and pathways.

Thank you!




The Grapes -music and quiz nights August/September 2015


The Grapes Inn music and quiz nights for August and September 2015 are below -please note that music nights  are now on the first Sunday of each month instead of the first Tuesday.

Sunday 2 August – Music Night @ 8 pm
Sunday 16 August – Quiz Night @ 8 pm
Sunday 6 September – Music Night @ 8 pm
Sunday 20 September – Quiz Night @ 8 pm