
Village Hall event change 29th and 30th August 2015

The Village Hall coffee morning on Saturday 29th August advertised in The Triangle magazine will now not take place.

It is replaced by the Summer Soiree on Sunday 30th August -please see our separate post today on this.

Stamford Bridge Singers at Thornton Dale – 10th October 2015

The Stamford Bridge Singers will perform their autumn concert, entitled ‘Something Familiar’, in All Saints Church, Thornton le Dale on Saturday 10th October 2015 starting at 7pm.

Under the baton of Musical Director, Stuart Nettleship, the choir will perform a mixture of sacred and secular music to include numbers by George Gershwin and Stephen Sondheim.  The accompanist for this concert will be Geoffrey Coffin.  Refreshments will be available during the concert.

Tickets, costing £5 in aid of the All Saints Church Music Fund, can be bought from Joyce Helliwell (01751 475783) or Martin Dales (01653 600990), by email [email protected] , or on the door.

To find out more about Stamford Bridge Singers, go to

Perseid meteor shower 11th/12th August 2015

Our Triangle magazine’s Pink Pages have flagged up that tonight and tomorrow night give the best chance of seeing the spectacle.

So we pass on guidance from yesterday’s Independent:-

“Sitting outside and looking up is the best way to see them.”

You’re welcome.

Car Boot Sale Sunday 9th August 2015


There will be a car boot sale this Sunday (9th August 2015) on Slingsby’s sports field, from 7 am to 2 pm (weather and ground conditions permitting, of course).

N.B. For general car boot queries, please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm, Saturday 8.30 pm – 11.30 pm and Sunday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm).

For information about the car boot sales this year, please go to our sportsfield page