
The Grapes – events in October/November 2015

Here is a list of what’s on:-

Sunday 18th – Quiz Night @ 8 pm
Thursday 29th – Slingsby Gin Night @ 7.30 pm
Cocktails, Canapés & Cravats.  Tickets £15 (limited availability)*

Sunday 1st – Music Night @ 8pm
Sunday 15 – Quiz Night @ 8pm

(* This event will showcase “Slingsby Artisan Gin”,  recently launched, and distilled in Harrogate.)

Jumble Sale and Book Fayre – Saturday 17th October 2015

fumble jumble

Jumble Sale and Book Fayre in Slingsby Village Hall on Saturday 17th October 2015 from 2 to 4 p.m. Free entry. Refreshments available.

The Friends of Slingsby School have organised this event as part of their fundraising for the forthcoming year. Their target is to raise £10,000 during the school year for outdoor play and learning equipment.

F.O.S.S. will be very grateful for any donations of jumble (clothes, toys shoes…) and books – please leave your donations outside Slingsby Village Hall from 9am on Saturday 17th October. If not convenient, call Beki on 01653 628391 to make alternative arrangements

Shoebox Appeal 2015

Slingsby Methodist Church is again collecting shoeboxes full of toys and gifts which are sent to deprived children in Eastern Europe and Africa.

Leaflets giving details of what to put in the boxes are now available  from the Church, the Methodist Chapel or from Tony at the Farm Shop.

Sunday 1st November 2015; The Shoebox service will be held in Slingsby Methodist Chapel at 10-30 a.m., when the shoeboxes will be dedicated before being sent off on their journey.

Pudding Party – Friday 16th October 2015

Pudding Party at Slingsby Village Hall on Friday 16th October 2015 starting at 7 p.m

It’s Pudding Time again. This year’s Pudding Party has a school puddings theme.

Tickets cost £6 and include samplings of 6 desserts, as well as tea or coffee.

Please bring your own wine if preferred, and if possible get dressed up in appropriate uniforms!

Further details and tickets from Trudy (628302) or Janet (628625).

Proceeds are for Hall funds


Fish and Chips!

Starting 13th October 2015 (2nd Tuesday of the month)

Slingsby Methodist Church starts the monthly fish & chips delivery to senior citizens, disabled or housebound residents.

This service is given by courtesy of Malton & Norton Lions.

Fish, chips & peas delivered to your door for just £2-50.

If you would like to book contact Stephen Prest on 628277 or Trudy Carr on 628302