
Bags2School collection on Friday 23rd October 2015

Bags2School collection on Friday 23rd October 2015 at Slingsby School Reading Room from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Friends of Slingsby School are organising this collection as part of their fundraising for the School.

FoSS ask for unwanted clothes, shoes (tied together or elastic band round please), and bags.

Please put your items in a black bin liner and leave them outside the School Reading Room between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Friday.

Arboretum Ugly Bug search – October 2015 half term

(C) Mathew Harrison

(C) Mathew Harrison 2015

Ugly Bug Search at the Yorkshire Arboretum on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October 2015 from 10 am to 4 pm (plus other activities during half term week).

Children and families will have a great time, as well as learning how to protect nature from pesky pests and dreadful diseases, at the Yorkshire Arboretum this October half-term. The arboretum has joined forces with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to lay on a range of outdoor and indoor activities on the bugs that could threaten our plants, trees and honeybees.

Insects are vital to the environment and most are really useful, helping with pollination and pest control. But some can cause a lot of damage to our trees, plants and friendly insects. The half-term activities at the arboretum, adjacent to Castle Howard, will help children and families protect the environment by learning how to recognise signs of such pests. There’ll be a bug hunt trail around the arboretum looking for giant bug models, a chance to use 3D glasses to get a unique view of pests and diseases, a look at how diseases can be spread by bicycle tyres and shoes, and the opportunity to make your own ugly bug to take home.

All activities are free and will be available throughout Plant Health Weekend (Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October) from 10am to 4pm. A static exhibition and self-led activities will run from the 26th October for the rest of half-term. Suitable for 6-12 year olds, children go free but must be accompanied by an adult, for whom the normal arboretum entrance fee applies. No need to book – just turn up and enjoy!

“Soup-a lunch”, Wednesday 21st October 2015

Soup-a-lunch on Wednesday 21st October 2015 at 12 noon in Slingsby Methodist Schoolroom at the Chapel.

All are welcomed (especially senior citizens) to lunch in the Schoolroom. There will be soup, sandwiches and a pudding and cup of tea,with plenty of time for a good chat.

There is no charge but donations are welcome.

No need to book, but if you have any questions please contact Rachel or Stephen Prest on 01653 628277 or Trudy Carr on 628302.

Slingsby Methodist Church kindly arranges this

Spectacular autumn colour at the Arboretum


This report is just in from the Arboretum:-


The long summer days have given way to autumn and a spectacular show of colour at the Yorkshire Arboretum. The 120 acre garden of trees, located opposite Castle Howard, is already awash with swathes of red, gold and yellow foliage even though some trees have yet to reach the pinnacle of their autumn display.

Yorkshire Arboretum Director John Grimshaw said “The trees here are glorious in every season but this autumn has been quite spectacular so far and we expect the display to last well into November. Even trees that don’t usually colour well are amazing”.

Badminton Club 20015/16 -season starts 19th October 2015

Slingsby Badminton Club
The new season starts on Monday 19th October at 7.30pm in Slingsby Village Hall and each Monday evening until Easter.
All ages and abilities are very welcome.
There is no subscription but each Monday session costs £2. For more information please contact Janet Clarke (Tel 628625) or Barbara Holmes (Tel 628107)