
Hovingham Market : 5th December 2015 : 10.30 am to 1.30 pm


Hovingham Village Market (with local food, rural crafts & community cafe) will be taking place again tomorrow (5th December) starting at 10.30 a.m. and continuing through to 1.30 p.m.

(note for your diary – there will also be a Market on Saturday 19th December)

Defibrillator Training : Wednesday 9th December 2015


A Community Defibrillator Seminar at Slingsby Village Hall on Wednesday 9th December 2015 at 7.30 pm

The Community Heartbeat Trust will be demonstrating the use of defibrillators and explaining how the equipment works and its benefits to the community in saving precious minutes in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.

The more people that know how to use the portable defibrillator installed in our community, the more chance there is of saving the life of a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Everybody is welcome, and no special skills are required, just your willingness to play an important role in the event of a medical emergency.

Any questions or queries contact Fiona Farnell 01653 628285

Santa’s Sleigh in Slingsby on Wednesday 2nd December 2015

santa's sleigh

Santa’s Sleigh will pass through Slingsby this Wednesday evening, 2nd December, courtesy of Malton Norton and District Lions Club.

His trip will start in Hovingham at 4.45 p.m. and finish in Appleton le Street around 9 p.m.

He hopes to greet many children, also he collects contributions towards the charitable work that Lions do – we benefit in Slingsby by the monthly delivery of low cost fish and chips to the elderly and housebound, for example.

Any changes to the planned times will be announced on Facebook and Twitter (using the hashtag #MaltonLionsSanta) and on the Lions website. The website homepage gives some details of the great work done locally by the Lions.

And finally, a lovely piece of helper elf nonsense here…




Parish Council meeting 30th November 2015 : agenda

The Parish Council will meet at the Village Hall on Monday 30th November 2015 at 7 p.m. The agenda is:-

1. Apologies for Absence.

2.Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items.

3.Items raised by members of the public.

4. To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2015.

5. Co-option to fill two vacancies for Parish Councillors.

6. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

7. Set Precept for 2016/17 Financial Year.

8. Planning.

·       (To consider and make comments on planning applications received.)
·       Development Proposals in Slingsby by England & Lythe Ltd.

9. Village Items.
·       Street Lights.
·       Phone Box.
·       Defibrillator.
·       Highways Issues.
·       Trees in Cemetery.
·       Grass Cutting.
·       Tennis Courts.

10. Reports (For information only)

Chair’s Report.

Clerk’s Report.

11. Finance.

Members of the public and press are invited to attend.
Date of next meeting: 18th January 2016

Christmas Concert at All Saints’ Slingsby: Saturday 5th December 2015

terrington choirChristmas Concert by Terrington Village Choir at All Saints’ Church Slingsby on Saturday 5th December 2015 at 7 p.m.

Enjoy a pre-Christmas concert for all ages.  Listen and sing along with this talented local choir as they present a programme of popular Christmas songs and traditional carols.

Tickets £5.00 per person

Primary school children free of charge when accompanied by an adult

Obtainable from Slingsby Village Shop or by ringing 628982 or 628303 or 627283

Ticket price includes tea/coffee and homemade cake