
Dark Skies Festival: Monday 15th to Sunday 21st February 2016

Star Trail in Slingsby | Photo by Steve Allen

Star Trail in Slingsby | Photo by Steve Allen

North York Moors Dark Skies Festival from Monday 15th to Sunday 21st February 2016.

There are events in various places in the National Park, some quite close (Sutton Bank, Dalby, Fountains Abbey), some suitable for children, and some taking place during daylight.

For full details please see the NYM web page here.

Local History Birdwatch meeting: Tuesday 9th February at 7.30 pm


Local History Group meeting on Tuesday 9th February 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall committee room.

Slingsby Birdwatch feedback meeting. Geoff Myers, who has a keen eye for wildlife and knows a lot about birds and mammals around the area, has agreed to come and help analyse the results from a parish bird watch which was done in January, so that LHG can make comparisons with earlier records, and record what is in and around the village now.

(Please note that from March 2016 LHG evening meetings will normally take place on the third Tuesday of the month, to avoid clashes with other village events.)

Slingsby Ladies’ Group AGM: Tuesday 9th February 2016 at 7.15 p.m. (and future meetings)

News from Slingsby Ladies’ Group

Our next meeting is the AGM and is to be held in the Methodist Chapel on Tuesday 9th February 2016 at 7.15pm. After the AGM we shall partake in a bring and share supper.  New members are always welcome to our meetings, held on the second Tuesday of the month in the Chapel at 7.15pm.  Come and give us a try ladies.

Secretary: Shelagh Richards 01653 628363

What’s On?

Tuesday 9th February 2016.  AGM at 7.15pm in Slingsby Methodist Chapel.

Tuesday 8th March 2016.  At 7.15pm in Slingsby Methodist Chapel.

Talk by Keith Jones on ‘The Cube’.

Tuesday 12th April 2016.  At 7.15pm in Slingsby Methodist Chapel.

Talk by the National Trust on ‘Goddards’.

The Grapes events in February 2016 – starting tonight


The events at The Grapes for this month are:-

Sunday 7 February (tonight) – Music Night at 8pm
Saturday 13 February – Live Jazz by Candlelight with Chef’s Special Menu
Talented singer Jenny Smith accompanied by Karl Mullen on the piano.
£25 per person (limited availability)
Sunday 21 February – Quiz Night at 8pm

Big Slingsby Birdwatch 2016

All Saint's Church in Slingsby |Photo by Steve Allen

All Saint’s Church in Slingsby |Photo by Steve Allen


Slingsby Local History Group writes:

We are collecting details of birds seen at the moment in and around Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton. We are doing this to record and keep an up to date list for comparison with the lists made at various times since the late 19th Century. We can then see if wildlife populations have changed and by how much.

If you do the Big RSPB Birdwatch each January we should be grateful to have a copy of your list. The RSPB watch takes place this year on 30th  / 31st January .

If you do not take part in the RSPB record, which is done on-line, but would like to take part in the Slingsby one, please can you set aside an hour in the week beginning 24th January and ending 31st January to do this. Forms to fill in are at the Village Shop, or please make your own list if you wish.

Please let the Group have your results by 6th February. These can be delivered to the Village Shop, or to Wyville House, The Lawns.

To send results by email please use [email protected]

Thank you!