
Fish and Chips – 2nd Tuesday of the month

Tuesday 8th March 2016 (and each 2nd Tuesday of the month)

Slingsby Methodist Church continues the monthly fish & chips delivery to senior citizens, disabled or housebound residents.

This service is given by courtesy of Malton & Norton Lions.

Fish, chips & peas delivered to your door for just £2-50.

If you would like to book please contact Stephen Prest on 628277 or Trudy Carr on 628302

Do we want a Party? – meeting on Tuesday 1st March

Meeting in the Village Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 1st March 2016

Janet Clarke and Trudy Carr write in the current Triangle:-
You will probably have heard that the Queen is having a birthday party this
summer. The Queen celebrates two birthdays each year: her actual birthday on
21st April and her official birthday on a Saturday in June. The Queen’s 90th
Birthday Celebration event will take place on Sunday June 12th 2016. This is the
day when many communities are holding a street party.

Over the last few days we’ve been asked “Are you doing a party in Slingsby?”
Bearing in mind the tremendous amount of work involved in setting up and
running such an event, we would like to gauge local opinion first. The last thing
we want is to put in loads of effort to find it under-attended.

So we are proposing to hold an exploratory meeting in the Village Hall
Committee Room on Tuesday 1st March at 7pm. Depending how many people
turn up to offer assistance, we will make the decision whether or not to organise
an event.

So come on folks….if you’re interested, turn up and offer some help.


Chariot Burials of Britain: Friday 19th February 2016 at Helmsley

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A talk on the Chariot Burials of Britain by Dr Melanie Giles on Friday 19th February 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in the committee room of the North York Moors National Park Offices, The Old  Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley YO62 5BP.

Melanie is a Senior Lecturer in archaeology at Manchester University. (Her sister Dr Kate Giles, also a Senior Lecturer in archaeology (at York University) lives in Slingsby.)

The talk is one of a series of lectures arranged by Helmsley Archaeological and Historical Society, whose website is here. The Society asks for a donation of about £3 per person attending.

The HAHS website says this about the lecture:-

The Iron Age chariot burials of North, West and particularly East Yorkshire, are an internationally renowned phenomenon. Containing the complete or dismantled remains of two-wheeled vehicles and horse trappings, these burials are often accompanied by other marvels of Celtic art, including weaponry, mirrors and boxes, as well as lavish portions of meat for the afterlife. The individuals interred with them frequently have fascinating stories to tell about daily life, injury, disease and violence, which helps us understand the power of these particular ancestors for their wider community.

The lecture will also investigate the myths behind the Celtic chariot, and its links to Continental traditions: using the archaeological evidence to examine its technology and use, its particular significance for Yorkshire communities, and some of the possible meanings it held as a vehicle for the afterlife

The little book of Big Scams – protect yourself against fraud

northyorkshire police

North Yorkshire Neighbourhood Watch Association have sent us this. The link to the little book of Big Scams is at the end.

Common scams and frauds

Fraud is when trickery is used to gain a dishonest advantage, which is often financial, over another person. When you are online, you should take steps to protect yourself, and be aware of the risks.


We’ve listed just two of the most common online scams and frauds.

Email scams

A fraudster who claims to be someone in a position of authority sends you an email, letter or a fax.

They say they have access to a substantial amount of money and explains where this money is supposed to have come from. (Usually another country such as Africa or Iraq) They say they want to move the money out of the country, and then give you a reason why they can’t transfer it themselves.

They will ask your permission to pay the money into your account before they transfer it onwards, after deducting your reward. The fraudsters may even ask you to open a new bank account to transfer the money. There is no money to transfer.

The fraudsters may also ask you for details of your bank account so that they can transfer your reward. They will use this information to try and empty your account.

Accommodation fraud

Accommodation fraud is when you pay money to make a hotel reservation or book another form of accommodation, but the hotel or reservation does not exist.

  • The safest way to protect yourself from booking bogus accommodation is to book directly with an established hotel or through a reputable travel company.
  • If using a travel company ensure they are a member of a trade body such as ABTA, the Travel Association or the Air Travel Organisers Licensing, (ATOL).
  • If you decide to book independently you should exercise caution. Establish if you are dealing directly with the property owner or a letting agent.
  • Research the property or hotel that you are booking – verify that the address exists through web searches and online maps. Do the images match those on the advert? Check whether there are any reviews for the accommodation from previous visitors.
  • If dealing with the property owner ask them about the property and the area in detail. Can you confirm that what they tell you is accurate from your own research?
  • Research any agent that you are dealing with via an online search engine.  Are there any reviews of the website or agent?  Ask what checks the agent makes on the properties that they are advertising and its owner? Does the website use the padlock symbol to indicate the site is secure?
  • When paying for accommodation never pay by cash or use a Money Transfer Agent such as Western Union or Moneygram as these are not intended for commercial payments.
  • If possible pay by credit card as this may protect your payment.
  • Always check the terms and conditions to confirm exactly what you are being sold. Double check your booking before travel, particularly if there is a long gap between making the booking and arrival.
  • Be aware that fraudulent adverts do exist. If you have any doubts do not book it!

Please take a little time to read this – The little book of Big Scams (in pdf format)