
Car Boot dates 2016

Car Boot sale with Slingsby Church

The dates for the 2016 car boot sales on Slingsby Sportsfield are:-

  • Monday 2nd May
  • Monday 30th May
  • Sunday 12th June
  • Sunday 26th June
  • Sunday 10th July
  • Sunday 24th July
  • Sunday 14th August
  • Monday 29th August
  • Sunday 11th September

The dates are always subject to weather/ground conditions at the time. Times are from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Any updates or cancellations the website team receives will be posted on this website, the village Facebook page and the village Twitter feed as soon as we receive them.

More details, contact numbers etc. are on the Sportsfield page here

Slingsby Ladies Group meeting 12th April 2016

Slingsby Ladies Group will meet in the Methodist Chapel schoolroom at 7.15 p.m. on Tuesday 12th April 2016.

There will be a talk by the National Trust about Goddards, the Arts and Crafts house in York that was the home of Noel Terry (of the chocolate family) until 1980.

Anyone wishing to join the Group will be very welcome

May Day Festival – Monday May 2nd 2016

May Day Festival – Monday May 2nd 2016 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. on the Green at Slingsby.
A traditional festival of music and dancing, with stalls, cakes, pulled pork sandwiches, soup and teas, a children’s corner, a picnic area with plenty to watch and enjoy.
Music will be provided by Swinton Brass Band and Malton School Jazz Band. Dancers will include Slingsby School children dancing round the maypole, the Acorn Dancers and the Minster Stray dancers.
Everybody is most welcome –there is no fee but donations will be welcome.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Party meeting – 5th April 2016

There will be a meeting tomorrow, 5th April, in the Village hall at 7 p.m. to make progress on the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations planned for Sunday 12th June 2016.

Since the last meeting the closure of Church Lane for the street party has been arranged, and the Parish council has kindly helped with a grant towards the cost.

All interested in helping are will be most  welcome


Scarecrow Weekend 30th April to 2nd May 2016


Friends of Slingsby School – Scarecrow weekend 30th April to 2nd May 2016

The closing date for entering a scarecrow is Friday 22nd April. An entry form can be downloaded here.

F.O.S.S. writes

We ask families of all children in school, and other villagers, to make a scarecrow and display it in their garden from 12noon on Saturday, 30th April until 5pm on Monday, 2nd May.  You don’t need to be a fantastic artist/sculptor to join in – you just need a little imagination. We don’t have a theme, we don’t mind what they are made of – we just want you to have fun.

Who is your favourite movie/tv/sports star? Can you make him/her/it from shoe boxes, newspaper and bin liners? Perfect – you can join in! Don’t worry if you don’t live in the village as we have lots of places that can be used to display your scarecrow. Need some inspiration? Have a look at our Facebook page and see a photo of every scarecrow created in the last couple of years.

Scarecrow trails will be on sale from school, Tony’s Village Shop, Robin Hood Caravan Park and The Grapes Inn. Everyone that buys a trail is encouraged to submit a vote for their favourite scarecrow. The creator of the winning scarecrow receives a trophy and, as a thank you to those that have completed the trail, votes are put into a prize draw to win a cash prize.

As in previous years, FOSS will be providing refreshments/snacks and a tombola stall in the Reading Rooms on the Saturday and Sunday.