
“Flying Scotsman” vintage car rally 15th April 2016 – route update

It looks as if today’s rally will pass through Slingsby village itself (down Railway Street), and then via Harome to Helmsley. After that the route goes via Old Byland and Hawnby over the moor to Osmotherly. Times for Slingsby (estimated) from at earliest 1.45 p.m. to 3.45p.m, possibly as late as 5.30 p.m.

We believe our information is reliable, but please do not throw things if we are wrong – things can change.

More information is in our earalier post here

Local History Group walk – 16th April 2016

Iron age earthworks

Sheepwalk/entrenchment walk on Saturday 16th April 2016 at 10.30/11 a.m.

Our Local History Group has sent this;

Our walk this coming Saturday, 16th April, will investigate the entrenchment, the long archaeological feature on the Sheep Walk path on the ridge to the south of the village.
If all goes to plan Kate Giles’s  sister Melanie, who is an expert on Iron Age burials and Iron Age archaeology generally, is hoping to join us.
The meeting and assembly times are:-
10.30 a.m. at the  top of Balkside near the main Malton/ Helmsley Road. ( Kate Giles will be there.)
or for less enthusiastic walkers there is a shorter route,
Meet at 11 a.m. at the top of Fryton Lane at the western end of the Sheep Walk.  ( Margaret Mackinder will be there).  Please note  that parking is very limited there, so car sharing is sensible if you come by this route. The going along the Sheep Walk path from  both directions is likely to be very muddy and uneven at this time of year, so please wear suitable waterproof boots or wellies.

“Flying Scotsman” vintage car rally – 15th April 2016


vintage car rally

On Friday 15th April 2016 between 12 noon and (best guess) 3.45 p.m. the “Flying Scotsman” vintage car rally will be at Castle Howard and will then pass through Slingsby.

This three day rally, with over a hundred cars, starts at Belvoir Castle in Leicestershire and ends at the Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire.

The cars will stop for lunch between 12 noon and (at latest) 2.30 p.m. in the car park at Castle Howard, where they can be admired.

They then come through Slingsby on their way to Osmotherly – we imagine along the top road/B1257, but we have no exact details. This is estimated to be from 1.45 p.m. to 3.45 p.m., although all times are approximate.

For more, the rally website is here.

(our thanks to two sharp eyed residents for this information)

Poop poop!




Gilling Miniature Railway – Passenger Days 2016

© Ryedale Society of Model Engineers Ltd

© Ryedale Society of Model Engineers Ltd

The Gilling Miniature Railway offer rides on its trains on most (but not all -see below) Sundays until  September 2016, from 12.30 p.m. until 4.30 p.m.

The Railway is at the Club House behind the Village Hall in Pottergate, Gilling East,YO62 4JJ, not far from us. It is run by the Ryedale Society of Model Engineers, who say they make a nominal charge for a ticket to ride.

Refreshments are offered in the Clubhouse, there is also a children’s playground adjoining.

Details of passenger days are given on the RSME’s very good website HERE.

Rides are not available on 24th April (driver training day). There are rallies on dates which include 15th May, 19th June and 28th August, so no rides are offered on those Sundays, although all are welcome to come to the rallies. Full details are on the RSME website.

It all sounds great fun

“The Thankful Village” – a play at Amotherby -17th April 2016

thankful village

© Karl Andre

Badapple Theatre are coming to Amotherby Parish Hall on Sunday 17th April 2016 with their play “The Thankful Village”, a comedy-drama with songs and music following the lives of three women during the Great War. 
For further details and to book tickets please go to or phone 01423 339168. 
Doors open at 7pm for 7-30 performance, refreshments available in the interval.