
Local History Group outdoors May 14th 2016


Saturday 14th May 2016 from 10 a.m. Local History Group bird walk starting at The Green. A stroll around Slingsby and its outskirts lasting about two hours. All are welcome.

This is a follow-on from the LHG January bird watch, when the Group collected numbers of bird species spotted in order to update the records of birds seen in Slingsby over the last 120 years. Geoff Myers, who has extensive knowledge of wildlife around Slingsby and this part of Yorkshire generally, helped us look at the findings earlier this year and has kindly agreed to help the Group to improve bird spotting techniques on this Spring walk.

Archbishop Sentamu in Slingsby 13th and 15th May 2016

Slingsby Church with the new metal tree pyramids in place

Slingsby Church with the new metal tree pyramids in place

On Friday May 13th the Archbishop of York will visit Slingsby School.

Sunday 15th May 10.30 a.m. Pentecost service with  Archbishop Sentamu at Slingsby Church.

The service will include Eucharist, and contributions from our young people, Methodists and Anglicans. Refreshments will be served after the service.

From 2 p.m. the Archbishop will meet people in the grounds of Castle Howard, with a closing service at 3 p.m. To attend the service without paying full admission charges you can buy a wristband (£1) at the Slingsby service, or from Kate Giles ([email protected]). This gives entry to the service and grounds from 1.30 p.m.

Archbishop Sentamu is in the Malton area most of this week on his Pilgrimage. Full details here

Slingsby Ladies Group meeting 10th May 2016

Slingsby Ladies Group will meet in the Methodist Chapel schoolroom at 7.15 p.m. on Tuesday 10th May.

John Porter will talk about the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Mr Porter has many years’ experience as a volunteer with the RNLI, both in operational roles and as a speaker about its work.

Anyone considering joining the Group will be very welcome

Airyholme Farm Open Day : Sunday 8th May 2016

airyhome open day

Sunday 8th May 2016 from 12 noon to 5 pm. Family Farm Open Day at Airyholme Farm Hovingham YO62 4LS.

Rare breed sheep, refreshments, tombola, guided walk at 2pm. Admission £5, under 16s free. No dogs please.Proceeds to Hovingham Church.

(The farm is a mile up the road from Hovingham to Sheriff Hutton and York. Google map link is here. Tickets can be bought at Hovingham Market this Saturday)