
A new lease for our sportsfield


We are very happy to report that a new 25 year lease has been agreed and signed this month between Slingsby Sports Club and the owners of the sportsfield, Castle Howard Estates.

This finally allows the Club to plan for the future and to apply for grants to improve facilities.

Fuller details will be in the next issue of The Triangle.

Membership of the Sports Club is only £5 per couple per year (£4 for over 60’s couples) and even less for singles. New members are very welcome and membership subscription time is from 1st June.

For further information contact Club Chairman Dave Calvert on 01653 628268


Two village weddings…Saturday 28th May 2016

We understand that, for the first time for many years, there are two weddings tomorrow, one at the Church, one at the Chapel.

We wish the happy couples everything good for their future.

If anyone remembers the last time this happened, please do say!

Robin Hood Caravan Park wins award

Congratulation to Rebecca and Damien on winning last night the Visit York Tourism Award 2016 in the category of Caravan Park/Holiday Village.

The list of winners is here, although the photo is from last year’s event.

Slingsby Allotments Gardening Quiz

Slingsby Allotments Gardening Quiz
Quiz forms available from Tony’s Village Shop.
Cost £1 with a chance to win a £20 Garden Voucher.
Completed entries by 31st July 2016, please.