
Organ Crawl with Philip Moore -Friday 24th June 2016

Slingsby Church with the new metal tree pyramids in place

Slingsby Church with the new metal tree pyramids in place

An “Organ Crawl” with Dr Philip Moore at Hovingham, Slingsby and Barton le Street on Friday 24th June 2016 from 6.20 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Philip Moore is kindly repeating his popular short organ recitals. He was for 25 years the organist and Master of the Music at York Minster, and lives locally.

The organ crawl will start at 6.20 p.m. at Hovingham church  for 20 minutes, then 7 p.m. at Slingsby Church for 20 minutes, and finally 7.40 p.m. at Barton le Street church for 20 minutes.

There is no charge, but donations at each church will be appreciated.

At 8 p.m. there will be a light supper in Barton village hall at £5 per head, including a glass of wine. It would help with catering to tell Sue Sutermeister on 01653 628313 if you would like supper, please.

Police surgery 24th June 2016 at 2pm

northyorkshire police

Friday 24th June 2016 from 2 to 3 p.m. Police surgery with PCSO Nicki Pounder in the Mobile  Library at The Green, Slingsby . An opportunity to ask questions and seek advice.

Car Boot Sale on Sunday 26th June 2016

Car Boot sale with Slingsby Church

Sunday 26th June 2016. A car boot sale will take place on Slingsby’s sports field, from 7 am to 2 pm (weather and ground conditions permitting, of course).

Satnav use YO62 4AW

N.B. For general car boot queries, please ring the Sports Club on 01653 627124 (Friday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm, Saturday 8.30 pm – 11.30 pm and Sunday 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm).

For information about the car boot sale dates for this year, please go to our sportsfield page

Local History Group meeting 21st June 2016

LHG regular working meeting in the Village Hall Committee Room on Tuesday 21st June at 7.30 p.m.

This will be a general update on current projects, and discussions and decisions about new ones. Anyone interested in joining the Group is welcome to come.

Topics to be covered include:
Update on our farming publication project
Village trail update.
Malton Museum Market Town project – Slingsby’s partnership role and possible contribution in 2017.
Future projects, including a proposed visit to Newcastle Cathedral.