
Parish Council Agenda for meeting on 23rd January 2017

Monday 23rd January 2017, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall. A meeting of the Parish Council. Members of the public and press are invited to attend.


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items

3. Items raised by members of the public

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 21st November 2016

5. Matters Arising

6. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda

7. Planning Applications

16/02008/73A  Description:  Variation of Condition 17 of approval 14/00960/FUL dated 14.06.2015 at Hutton Brothers Car Sales Railway Street Slingsby YO62 4AH for Mr Andy Hague

8. Village Items

·                  Street Lights
·                  Highways Issues
·                  Renewal of Parish Signs
·                  Footpath Review
·                  Queens 90th Birthday Medal Distribution
·                  Parish Plan Update
·                  Co-option of Parish Councillor

9. Chairman’s Report

10. Finance

11. Correspondence

12. Any Other Business

13. Date of Next Meeting


Quiz and Curry night 27th January 2017

Friday 27th January at 7 pm in Slingsby Village Hall. Quiz and curry night hosted by Friends of Slingsby School. Adults £5, children £2.50. Tickets available from Slingsby School office (01653 628370).

Admission price includes quiz sheet and delicious homemade curries. Bring your own drinks.

Malton Museum lecture 18th January 2017

Friends of Malton Museum lecture on Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Library, East Wing, Malton School, Middlecave Road, Malton.

Dr Rose Drew  will talk on “Women at War”. Admission is free to Friends, others are welcome at a charge of £3. The Friends say:-

“Join anthropologist Dr Rose Drew as she recounts tales of women who passed as boys in earlier centuries in order to go to war. These females fought alongside other (usually unsuspecting) male soldiers. But what would make a woman join a war? They often had the same reasons as boys and men who run off to become soldiers, with the added bonus of missing out on the dangerous or just plain regimented lives of women in the past.”

Soupa Lunches January to March 2017

The next three Soupa Lunches will be on Wednesday 18th January, 22nd February and 22nd March in Slingsby Methodist Schoolroom from 12 noon. Come for soup, sandwiches, a pudding and cup of tea. All are welcome, especially seniors and those who live alone. There is no charge but donations are welcome. Everyone is welcome – no need to book – just come along. Contacts are Stephen and Rachel Prest (628277) or Trudy Carr (628302).