
Lego wanted at Slingsby School!


This is from the latest Slingsby School newsletter:-

“We are considering an after school Lego Club but we do not have much in school. If anyone has any spare or knows a grandparent or relative who has some they do not use, please would you consider donating it to us? Without enough Lego, we are currently not able to run a club!”

(A quick internet search show how much Lego can help a child learn many different skills. The whole school has a Lego Workshop Day later this month, thanks to a generous donation from a pupil’s grandparent.)

RNLI Charity Quiz Night at Amotherby 17th February 2017

Friday February 17th at 7.30 pm. Charity quiz night at Amotherby Village Hall in aid of R.N.L.I. Entries close on 10th February. Entry fee £12 per team of four, including sandwich supper. Licensed bar. Lots of prizes and a great booby prize..

To enter please use the booking form HERE or contact Don Low on 01653 697494

Slingsby Tea Spot 2nd February and 2nd March 2017

Thursdays 2nd February and 2nd March at 10 a.m. at Slingsby Methodist Chapel.

THE SLINGSBY TEA SPOT. A cuppa, a chat, cake and company at Slingsby Chapel from 10am to 11.30am.

Bring your knitting or play dominoes, scrabble or beetle etc. Share your stories, meet new people, have a sing or just drink, eat & chat. EVERYONE WELCOME.

If you need a lift please contact Louise Hayes on 01653-628064.