
Hovingham Market 4th March 2017

Hovingham Village Market, with local food, rural crafts & community café, on Saturday 4th March 2017 from 10.30am to 1.30pm.

Archaeologists will be at the Market, interested in locally found pottery from fields or gardens – if you have any and want to know more please bring it for them to look at.

The Market website is HERE, it’s also on Facebook and Twitter

Methodist Church Gift day 25th February 2017

Saturday 25th February from 10 am to noon. Gift Day at Slingsby Methodist Chapel. The purpose is to raise funds towards the £8,000 needed to update the kitchen, to accommodate growing Community activities such as the monthly Soupa lunch, Sunday lunches, Slingsby Ladies Group, TeaSpot, School Assemblies and exams, May Day celebrations etc.

Please come along if you can to give a donation and have a cup of coffee and cake.

More details are in the Chapel’s appeal letter HERE– including how to give if you cannot come on the day.



Talk by Melanie Giles on Iron Age Slingsby -21st February 2017

21st February at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Dr Melanie Giles will give an illustrated talk on the Iron Age archaeology of Slingsby with its barrow cemetery, set in the wider context of East Yorkshire’s prehistoric past. She will also share news of some of her recent discoveries such as the Acklam warrior. Admission £3.

Melanie Giles, is a Senior Lecturer at Manchester University, author of ‘A Forged Glamour: Landscape, Identity and Material Culture in the Iron Age’, and a contributor to BBC History programmes A History of Ancient Britain and Meet the Ancestors, and to Channel 4’s Murder in the Iron Age.

If you have any objects or items that you may be interested in showing Mel, please do bring them along to the session.