
May Day 2017 – request for cakes/savouries/tombola prizes

All Saints’ Church will, as usual, be providing the refreshments on May Day (Monday 1st May), and they say:- This year we will be in the Methodist Church Schoolroom, and we are very grateful to the Methodist Church for providing this facility.

Donations of cakes and/or savouries for our refreshment stall would be very much appreciated, these can be left in the Schoolroom from 9.00 a.m. on the day or at Porch House, The Green in advance.

Tombola prizes would also be gratefully received – these can be left in advance with Cynthia Fell at Slingsby Hall Lodge, or with Norma Bulmer at Dunelm, The Balk.

All our fund raising efforts in this and future years will contribute to the cost of replacing the lead stolen from the Church roof in September 2016.

Slingsby from the air..

Slingsby resident Neil Marshall came over the village today in a hot air balloon, and has kindly allowed us to publish photos he took. Perhaps the first aerial photos of Cavendish Court? Our thanks to Neil. He did not ask to be credited, but it seems only fair. Click on an image for a bigger version.

Malton Museum lecture 19th April 2017 – change of programme.

Friends of Malton Museum lecture on Wednesday 19th April 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Library, East Wing, Malton School, Middlecave Road, Malton

In a change to the advertised programme Paul Brunyee, a specialist in Napoleonic and Regency history, will give a talk entitled “The Naval and the Military in Jane Austen’s Novels”

Admission is free to Friends, others are welcome at a charge of £3.

(The original speaker Mark Sissons has had to withdraw because of illness.The Friends are fortunate that Paul has kindly agreed to speak at very short notice.)

Soupa lunch 19th April 2017

Methodist church and school room

Wednesday 19th April at 12 noon. Soupa lunch in Slingsby Methodist Schoolroom.  Come and enjoy soup, sandwiches and a pudding.  All welcome, especially seniors.
No charge, but donations are welcome. No need to book, but an idea of numbers is appreciated.  Contacts are Stephen & Rachel Prest 628277
and Trudy Carr 628302.  Transport is available.

Rosedale Local History Weekend 22nd/23rd April 2017

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd April from 11 am to 4.30 pm at Updale Reading Room, Rosedale YO18 8RQ. Rosedale Local History Weekend highlighting the “Land of Iron” project and Rosedale’s social history.

Archive photos, maps, plans and objects, local artwork and crafts, children’s activities, guided walks on both days and talks. Admission free.

For further details of walks and talks please contact Linda Chambers 01751 417071 or [email protected].

Information about the project “This Exploited Land of Iron” is HERE.