
Tour de Frack 28th April 2017

On Friday 28th April the Tour De Frack cycle ride will be cycling through Hovingham (12.40hrs), passing Slingsby, Amotherby (13.15hrs), Great Barugh (13.30hrs) and on to the Kirby Misperton Protection Camp (14.20hrs). The purpose of the ride is to raise awareness about the impact on the enjoyment of cycling and tourism in this region with the increase in HGVs on rural roads and industrialisation from fracking.

There is the opportunity for interested local cyclists to join the peloton as riders complete the final leg of a 2 day ride, starting at the site in Lancashire where approval to frack has been granted, and finishing at the Kirby Misperton Protection Camp in Ryedale where the Tour de Yorkshire will ride past a few hours later.

More information is HERE.

Village Hall Coffee morning 29th April 2017

Saturday 29th April at 10 a.m. in the Village Hall. A coffee morning to celebrate the opening of the new extension to the Hall, when a warm welcome awaits and you will have the opportunity to inspect the project yourselves.

Tour de Yorkshire in Amotherby 28th April 2017

Friday 28th April from 1pm in Amotherby Parish Hall, refreshments followed by dance.

The Hall will be open for refreshments from 1p.m. during the Tour de Yorkshire, which is passing through the village.

Later that day at 8 pm there will be an Old-time & Sequence Dance, with music by Nightowl and a Faith Supper.



Produce show meeting 24th April 2017 – please help!

Monday 24th April at 6.30 pm in Village Hall committee room. Help URGENTLY needed to organise the Produce Show on 16th September.
Please come along if you can offer any help on the day from 9am , or contact Trudy on  [email protected]  or 01653 628302. Lunch will be provided for the helpers on the Saturday of the show. Thank you.