
Malton Museum Friends’ AGM and lecture 17th May 2017

Friends of Malton Museum AGM followed by lecture on Wednesday 17th May 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Library, East Wing, Malton School, Middlecave Road, Malton.

Dr Pete Wilson of Rarey Archaeology will explore in his lecture the question of Malton’s latin name. Malton has traditionally been identified with the roman Derventio,but is this right? Dr Wilson explores two possible other names.

Slingsby Flower and Garden Weekend 23rd-25th June 2017

Slingsby Church with the new metal tree pyramids in place


 All Saints’ Church Slingsby suffered repeated burglaries at the end of 2016, when most of the lead was stripped from the roof, causing major water damage. It will take around £150,000 to repair, and the local community has to raise at least £15,000 to support other sources of funding.

2017 also marks both the 150th Anniversary of the rebuilding of the Church and the 180th anniversary of the building of Slingsby Chapel. The flower festival and open gardens weekend is to mark these significant anniversaries, and to raise funds towards the replacement of the Church roof.

Friday 23rd June 6.30 p.m.

The festival opens with a concert in All Saints’ Church, Slingsby featuring Malton School Jazz Band, our nationally known local soprano Jane Goldsmith, and Slingsby School Choir. Wine and canapés will be served from 6.30 p.m. and the concert starts at 6.45 p.m. Tickets £5.00 are available from the Village Shop and must be bought in advance, please.

This concert is kindly sponsored by Hardcastle France, chartered accountants of Malton.

Saturday 24th June  10.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Flower festival in Church and Chapel. The floral displays in the Church will be created by members of the Malton and District Flower Club, and will depict village life past and present.  The arrangements in the Chapel will be created by a group of our talented local flower arrangers and will depict Methodism in the Community.

Tickets (£3.00 for both venues) can be bought at All Saints’ Church on the day.

Sunday 25th June  10.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Flower festival continues in Church and Chapel. Tickets £3.00

The Open gardens programme takes place from 1 – 5 p.m. when around 15 gardens will be open to explore and enjoy.

Ticket for Open Gardens only (with map for access) £4.00

Joint ticket for Open Gardens and Flower Festival £6.00

Teas will be served in the Village Hall throughout the afternoon, where there will also be a display of art by local children.

The weekend will finish with a joint church/chapel service at 6.30 p.m. in All Saints’ Church, preacher the Bishop of Selby.

Car parking throughout the weekend is available on the Village Sports Field (beside the Church) by kind permission of Slingsby Sports and Social Club.

The organisers hope to raise around £4,000 over the weekend to kick start the fundraising for this vitally important work. All Saints’ Church is a Grade ll* listed building ,  and it plays a pivotal role in village life.



Guided tour of Slingsby Church 6th May 2017

Dav and Evan examine the time capsule finds

Saturday 6th May at 10.30. Guided tour of All Saints’ Church Slingsby by Dav Smith and Chris Churches, . Admission free, donations asked for coffee. Come and learn things you never knew about our Church!

Dav Smith is a buildings archaeologist from the University of York, and wrote his doctoral thesis on the Victorian rebuilding of the churches along “The Street” . He will talk about the reasons for, and the extent of, the rebuilding of our Church. We shall learn what he discovered during his research, and how much of the earlier church still exists.
Chris Churches is a historian, and will talk about the “Wyville Knight” and what can be understood from the mediaeval effigy of him in the Church.
This event is organised by Slingsby Local History Group.


Parish Council AGM and Annual Parish Assembly 8th May 2017

Parish Council meetings in the Village Hall on Monday 8th May. The P.C. Annual General Meeting will be at 6.30 p.m. The agenda is HERE. The Annual Parish Assembly follows at 7.30 p.m. The agenda for this is HERE.

The Parish Council says about the Assembly:- “Residents’ views are important to the Parish Council as we strive to represent your interests and to make this area a better place to live and work. Please come along to tell us what you want for your area, and help shape what happens in your community.”