
Dementia Awareness Event – 10 June 2017

Saturday 10th June from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Slingsby Methodist Chapel. Dementia is an increasing presence in many of our lives and churches. Colleen Allwood works with Alzheimer’s Society and will be leading the event. The aim is to increase awareness as individuals and churches, and to show how we can be equipped to welcome and meet the needs of people with dementia.

All who have an interest will be welcome. Tasty summer treats will be provided. The event is free and can be booked through Louise Hayes either by email [email protected] or by telephone on 01653 628064.

“Sowers and Growers” gardening group 6th June 2017

Tuesday 6th June at 6.45 p.m. Sowers and Growers visit  Penny Piece Garden, Kirkbymoorside. Meet there for tea/coffee and cake included for a contribution of £6.50, which will go to charity. For further information please contact 07738012117 or 628625.


Smart meter warning

A message from North Yorkshire Trading Standards about the national roll out of “smart meters” for domestic energy consumers.

“Please be aware that these are free of charge and are installed by your energy provider during a pre-arranged appointment. Please beware of any ‘traders’ offering to install for a fee and ALWAYS ask to see identification of anyone entering your home. Reputable traders will always carry and show identification.”

(The government regulator OFGEM has a page about smart meters HERE, which is worth a read.)

Community grants available 2017/18

Ryedale District Council  has opened three new grant schemes for 2017/18.

·         Community Grants
·         Public Open Space & recreation grants (Section 106)
·         Flood Grants
There is likely be “Section 106” money available for Slingsby.
See the R.D.C. website HERE for details.