
Marie Curie Tea Party 9th July 2017

9 July, Sun, 3.00-4.30pm Blooming Great Tea Party in Barton Village Hall, in aid of Marie Curie, caring for people living with a terminal illness. Entry £5 to include cup of tea/coffee, cake and raffle ticket. Cake stall, craft stall, tombola and raffle. Donations of cakes, savouries and tombola prizes would be much appreciated. Further information Ann 628853 or Daphne 628868.



Car Boot Sale: Sunday July 9th 2017

A Car Boot Sale this coming Sunday (9th July) on Slingsby’s sportsfield, from 7 am to 2 pm (weather and ground conditions permitting, of course).

Satnav -use YO62 4AW

For information about the car boot sale dates for this year, please go to the sportsfield page HERE

Methodist Celebration Service (and barbecue) 9th July 2017

Sunday 9th July at 10.30 in Slingsby Methodist Chapel. A special service to celebrate the 180th anniversary of the building of the Chapel. The service will be led by the Rev. Ruth Duck. All are welcome.

The service will be followed by a BBQ lunch at Stephen and Rachel Prest’s house, The Old Fold, Railway Street. They would appreciate knowing numbers coming, to arrange catering – 628277.

Methodist Celebration Concert 8th July 2017

Saturday 8th July at 7pm in Slingsby Methodist Chapel. A summer concert by Terrington Choir. The concert is part of the celebrations for the 180th anniversary of the building of the Chapel.

No need to book, admission is free, and refreshments will be served at the end.