
Afternoon Tea 9th August 2017

Wednesday 9th August from 3.30 pm. Afternoon tea at the home of Stephen and Rachel Prest, The Old Fold, Railway Street, Slingsby. All are welcome. No charge, but an idea of numbers would be appreciated. Contact Rachel & Stephen on 628277.

(This event replaces Soupa-lunch and Slingsby Tea Spot, which do not take place this month)

Council grants for public open space 2017

Ryedale District Council has launched a grant scheme aimed at public open space and recreation. Applications for this are accepted quarterly, the next closing date being 15th September 2017, for a decision on 23rd November.

A housing development in Slingsby has now provided funding that is available for this grant scheme.

For Slingsby this is £45,324 for “Provision of and/or improvements to public open space within the vicinity of the land.” (This means within the parish boundary.)

The application details are on the RDC website

If you need any support in this process, please contact the Community Officer for your area, Melanie Holmes – [email protected] or 01653 600666 ext 284

Summer Sunday Afternoon 30th July 2017

Sunday 30th July from 1.30pm to 5.30pm at Croft Dene, The Balk, Slingsby (opposite the village shop). A summer Sunday afternoon in Pat’s garden with tea, cakes and music. Donations towards the Maypole Fund, which keeps our May Day celebrations going. All are very welcome.