
MOT reminder service

The Government has restarted its MOT reminder service. It’s simple – all you need is the registration number. You can therefore register to be notified by email or text for any vehicle – e.g. for elderly or forgetful relations – as well as for yourself.

The link is HERE.

Sponsored Walk for Charlie Mortimer Fund on 24th September 2017

On Sunday 24th September 34 people aged 13 to 70, members, friends and family from local solicitors Pearsons & Ward/Ware & Kay will do the Three Peaks Walk in aid of Swinton based charity The Charlie Mortimer Fund.

This charity is close to the hearts of many at our School, which asks for our support. The Fund helps families living with with metabolic illness, bereaved of their children, or caring for their critically ill child.

For information about the event or to donate please go HERE.

The excellent website of the Fund is HERE (and is really worth a good look).




Harvest Festival on 24th September 2017

Sunday September 24th – Slingsby Methodist Church Harvest Festival service at 10-30am. The  preacher is Rev. Mark Haynes.  Musical items by Slingsby Worship Group.
This will be followed by a Harvest Lunch in the Schoolroom.  Come and celebrate the gathering in of another harvest.  All are welcome .

Soupa Lunch on 20th September 2017

Wednesday 20th September at 12 noon in Slingsby Methodist Chapel Schoolroom. Soupa lunch – Come along for soup, sandwiches, a pudding and good chat.There is no charge but donations are welcome.  No need to book, just come along, all are welcome.  Contacts are Stephen & Rachel Prest 628277.