
Property marking session on 14th October 2017

PCSO Andy Birkinshaw from the police Rural Taskforce will be at Slingsby Village Hall on Saturday 14th October 2017 between 10am and 2pm to dot peen mark any larger items such as saddles, garden tools, work tools, farm tools and cycles. This is a free service.

This is from the NYP website:-

“Dot peen marking involves using a tungsten carbide-tipped pin to indent an object with dots to create a visible, permanent unique number. The unique number will be entered onto the national Immobilise property register database, vastly increasing the chances that it will be reunited with its owner if it is lost or stolen.

“Dot peen machines can mark at a speed of two characters per second, to an accuracy of 0.006mm, and can be used on everything from steel and aluminium to plastic. It can therefore be used in farms, on garage and garden tools, power tools, computers and electrical devices, mobile phones and tablets, equestrian tack, golf clubs, musical instrument cases, cycles – and much more besides!”

Slingsby Ladies Group meeting on 10th October 2017

Slingsby winter – The Balk | Photo by Steve Allen

Tuesday 10th October at 7.15 pm in the Methodist Chapel Schoolroom. A meeting of Slingsby Ladies Group. The speaker will
be former police officer Sue Woodcock. She will give a talk entitled ‘From Copper to Shepherd’.

New members are always welcome. Anyone interested is welcome to join us.


Meet our local police team on 10th October 2017

Tuesday 10th October between 9 and 10 am in Railway Street, Slingsby. An opportunity to speak to local police officers PC Jane Jones and PCSO Nicki Pounder.

(This event is also planned for Tuesday 12th December, same place and time.)

Fish and Chips 10th October 2017

Malton & Norton Lions Club are again delivering fish, chips and peas for the subsidised rate of £3 per person for the elderly and disabled.
Delivery dates are Tuesdays the 10th Oct., 14th Nov., 12th Dec., 9th Jan., 13th Feb., and 13th March.  They are collected from Peasey Hill at 11-45am and delivered to Slingsby at approx 12 noon for delivery round the village.
If you would like to order them please contact Stephen Prest on 628277 or Trudy Carr on 628302 or e-mail [email protected]