
Give and Take Event

Details below for the Give and Take Event which is taking place in The Village Hall on Sunday morning, 5th February.

This will be running alongside the Bacon Butty morning so you can have breakfast before/after you browse!

Slingsby Church Clock

The church clock has stopped, as people may have noticed! We’re not sure what the matter is, but are waiting for Smiths of Derby to visit when they resume business in the New Year. 

Thanks for everyone who has got in touch to say they miss it!

A very Happy Christmas from everyone at All Saints church and thanks for supporting us across 2022!

New Litter Picking Station in Slingsby

The Parish Council has installed a new Litter Picking Station by the bridge on Railway Street. Bags and pickers can be collected and returned here if you want to pick any rubbish whilst on your walk.