
Cafe Church

Slingsby Methodist Church extend a warm invitation to all for their Cafe Church event on Sunday 24th April. More details below:

Village Hall Curry and Quiz Night

All Saints Development Fund welcome you to celebrate the end of Winter with a Curry and Quiz Night.
Saturday 30th April at 6.30pm in Slingsby Village Hall
A selection of curries with poppadoms, dips, rice and na’an breads. Vegetarian and non-spicy options are available. Please bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles.
Tickets are £10 and £5 for children.
Tickets from Anita Brewer 07935830476/01653489424/[email protected]
and Diane Watson 07557850383

Slingsby Maypole Refurbishment Notice

The Slingsby Maypole is getting refurbished between Friday 8th April and Tuesday 12th April.
This information notice has been issued by The Slingsby Maypolers committee.

We want to ensure all residents of The Green and surrounding properties are aware that the work will be taking place. We do not anticipate any additional noise or any inconvenience for the residents. You will notice the cherry picker vehicle on site which will be used by the decorating team. The dates mentioned are of course weather permitting. The Parish Council has been made aware. Our intention is to have a bright and shiny Maypole ready for the village Mayday celebrations on Monday 2nd May.