
Future Plans for Ministry in Slingsby Church, Chapel and The Street Benefice and Methodist Circuit

A message from Kate Giles regarding updated proposals for a new Rector for Slingsby:

As many local residents will be aware, Slingsby church and the Street Benefice (which includes Amotherby & Appleton le Street parish, Barton le Street with Coneysthorpe and Hovingham & Scackleton) have been seeking to appoint a new Rector for some time – but without success. Much of this relates to the fact that we cannot afford a full or even part time clergy person and were only able to offer a ‘House for Duty’ (free Rectory) post. However, a new proposal has emerged from the Ryedale Methodist Circuit and Slingsby & Hovingham Chapels. The proposal is to pool our resources and see what we might be able to do together. A joint appointment between the Anglican and Methodist communities here would be something of a first for us, but there are precedents locally, for example the Rev. Mel Burnside at Helmsley. The proposal is for the Rector to be based in Slingsby – at least in the long term. We would still need to find further funds to resource this, but in order to develop the proposal further, we would like to offer anyone in the local community the opportunity to ask any questions they may have – about anything – from maintaining our distinctive liturgical and worship traditions as well as celebrating our ecumenical links to providing pastoral care. 

We are proposing to hold an open meeting this coming Wednesday 22nd at 6pm in the Chapel Schoolroom on The Green to which everyone is welcome. We will try to answer all of your questions as best as we are able and/or can refer any other queries to the Archdeacon Sam Rushton. 

If you have questions but cannot attend this Wednesday, please do send them to Ray Watson [email protected]  and/or Rachel Prest [email protected] and we will do our best to respond to and/or refer them onwards. 

Maps, maps, maps: Slingsby Local History session moved to 28th May

The Local History session this month has moved to the 28th May, at the usual time of 7.30pm and in the Methodist schoolroom. In this session we will share the exciting discovery by Chris Churches of a new map of Slingsby, dated 1720. We’ll look at the map up close and also revisit our other early maps from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Responding to interests from our last map session, we’ll also look at some of the detailed Ordnance Survey data. Come along and see how your house and garden changed from the 1850s to the 1950s. 

Members £2; Guests £3. 

If you would like to join the Local History Group, please contact Kate Giles ([email protected]). There is no annual membership fee – you will just be added to our mailing list which is not shared with any other organisation. 

Produce Show 2024 – An Early Reminder

An early reminder to get those seeds sown ready for the Produce Show, which this year will take place on the 14th September. The deadline for entries will be 2 days prior on the 12th September. More info below:

Slingsby Sport for All Project Update – 5th March 2024

We have received the following update from Paul at Slingsby Sports Club about the exciting updates on the Sports for All project. Read below or follow this link to download as a PDF.

As many of you will know our original project plan was based on receiving a grant for £166,961.09
from The Community Infrastructure Levy Grant scheme which was administered by Ryedale District
Despite being allocated the full amount of our funds, the scheme required ratification from North
Yorkshire Council who decided that, as the scheme was not one which they had approved, they
would not be honouring the decision that was made by Ryedale District Council prior to the merger
into North Yorkshire Council. This was obviously an incredible blow to the project.
Nonetheless, we have continued to work tirelessly in order to deliver the ambitious project that will
make a huge difference to our community.
We have applied for a wide range of different grants in order to raise the funds for the completion of
the project.
However, rather than wait to have the entirety of the funds in place before starting the project, we
have decided to deliver the project in three phases which are detailed below.

Phase 1 – Commencing Immediately
The first phase is the delivery of improvements to the sporting facilities and improved outdoor
seating, including wheelchair accessible picnic tables.
The total cost of this phase of the project is expected to be £19,215.10
The planned timeframes for the delivery of this phase of the project are as follows:

  1. Purchase of the Sports Coaching Equipment (including practice football
    goals and coaching packs for football and cricket). Timeframe – Immediately
    a. The majority of the equipment has been purchased and collected.
    b. This will now be available for use.
  2. New scorebox/hub shed – Timeframe – this has been ordered and will be delivered
    w/c 4th March
    a. A working party is meeting to assemble this on Saturday 9th March at 10am. If
    anybody is free to help out please let us know.
  3. Electronic Scoreboard – Timeframe – this will be early April
    a. Once purchased and delivered this will be tested and any issues regarding electricity
    supply will be addressed.
  4. Artificial Cricket Wicket – Timeframe – target date Thursday 2nd May
    a. This has been ordered and there is an 8 to 10 week lead time but we are hopeful
    that it will be in place for a practice session prior to the first game of the cricket
    season on Friday 10th May.
  5. Mobile Cricket Net – Timeframe – target date w/c 22nd April
    a. It is planned to wait until improvements in weather conditions before purchasing
    this piece of equipment but the aim is to have it in place prior to the installation of
    the new artificial cricket wicket.
  6. Outdoor furniture – Timeframe – target in use date – Monday 6th May (May Day)
    a. The price has been fixed in place with the supplier and they have agreed to store the
    furniture until we are ready to collect. An unveiling of the new outdoor furniture is
    planned for during the car boot sale on Bank Holiday Monday (May Day) with those
    who have donated towards the cost of the furniture invited to attend.

Funding for Phase One
The costs of the delivery of Phase One of the Project have been met through a combination of
existing funds raised during the initial phase of fundraising for The Sport for All Project and
additional grants that have been applied for from Councillor Steve Mason and North Yorkshire
Council’s Ryedale Community Grants Programme.

Phase 2
The second phase of the project is the extension of the club to add improved changing rooms and
showers, disabled toilet facilities, improved social space and better kitchen facilities.
This is clearly a greater challenge than delivery of phase one due to the need to raise additional
funds to cover the costs.
Our current operating assumption is that the total cost to deliver Phase two of the project is
£173,089.60 which is broken down as follows:

  • Extension to existing club to create disability friendly facilities and appropriate changing
    facilities for junior sport – £168,000
  • Improvements to catering facilities – £5089.60

The costs of the extension could be mitigated through the use of volunteer working parties to
support the contractor and carry out a number of the tasks required with the build. Extensive
efforts and negotiations with building material suppliers could also help to mitigate costs.

Timeframes for Phase 2
The timeframe associated with the delivery of this Phase of the Project is entirely dependent upon
the successful completion of a number of grant applications to fund the project.

Funding for Phase 2
We currently have the a range of grant applications in various stages of application from a variety of
sources including the North Yorkshire Sport Rural Capital Fund and The Football Foundation. Along
with the funds previously raised through our fundraising campaign we remain hopeful of securing
the funding that we need in order to get this phase completed in 2024.

Phase 3
The third phase of the project, which is currently on hold is the installation of solar panels and
battery storage as a renewable energy system to make the club more sustainable and ecologically
friendly. It is possible that future grant opportunities may become available to support the funding of this
phase of the project.

We have clearly achieved a lot already and it is exciting to be getting close to delivering the first
phase of the project will be a tangible demonstration of the work that has been put in.
There is still a lot of work to be done to secure the remainder of the funds we need and then deliver
on the extension but I am extremely confident that we will get there in 2024!
I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who continues to put in a huge amount of work
as we move forward but I would like to particularly pay tribute to Kate Giles who has worked
tirelessly in identifying and applying for different grant opportunities. It is an incredibly time
consuming process and I know I speak for everyone connected with this project when I offer my
sincere thanks to Kate!
We will continue to keep our community updated with progress over the coming months.
Paul Hogarth (Chairman, Slingsby Sports and Social Club)