
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble

Sunday, 29th July, 2018.

Eager students, parents and local business owners star in our new promotional video showing potential Rumblers what is on offer when they complete the Ryedale Rumble Sportive on 29th July.

Described by previous participants as “almost a perfect Sportive with great scenery, friendly support, forebodingly steep climbs and fast descents”, the organisers hope that, with a choice of three routes – extreme, challenge and inspire – the event has something for everyone from the most experienced riders to those just starting out.

Event Director, Lizzie Coutts explains;

“As a school we feel privileged to be reviving one of the UK’s most popular cycling sportive. A superb physical challenge to riders of all abilities, on routes across stunning North Yorkshire countryside, whilst raising funds to help Ryedale’s future generation – it’s a winning combination!”

Sir Gary Verity of Welcome to Yorkshire has shown his support saying;

“It’s fantastic that the Ryedale Rumble is making its return and raising money for a great cause. Whatever your ability, the three routes will provide a stern yet highly rewarding challenge and they take place on some of our county’s most picturesque roads.”

“Cycling is booming across Yorkshire and I’d very much encourage people to give it a go.”

Anyone interested in participating should visit here for further details.

Local History Meetings for the coming months.

Tuesday 19th June. Steve Moorhouse, an expert in the interpretation of historic landscapes, will give an illustrated lecture on Slingsby Castle and its landscape. At 7 p.m. in the main hall of the Village Hall.  (Please note the earlier time). Entrance £3.


Tuesday 17th July. NB. MEETING POSTPONED TO 16 OCTOBER  7:30pm in the Village Hall committee room. An update from Chris Churches and David Thornley on research they have done respectively on the Ward Family and Arthur Sinclair Brooke. The Ward family were about in the 18th century and owned Slingsby Hall. Chris has fascinating stories to tell about them, which also dispel some myths. Brooke was a very popular rector, who also wrote Slingsby and Slingsby Castle, accurately researched in the late Victorian period, but still very informative and relevant today. 7.30 p.m. Village Hall Committee Room.

WEDNESDAY 18TH JULY at 6pm we have an opportunity to visit Shandy Hall, Coxwold, home of Lawrence Sterne, author of ‘Tristram Shandy’.

The building itself is a real gem and we will have the benefit of a private tour of the house and garden by Director, Patrick Wildgust. Patrick will also share one of the really creative activities inspired by Tristram Shandy with us…his moth trapping activity. He’ll set the traps the night before and we can hope to see some really interesting examples of the local varieties with his expert knowledge to guide us.

Cost will be £7.50 per person and we hope to lift share, leaving Slingsby at about 5.15pm.

Local History meetings are open to all. Unless otherwise stated, a minimum charge of £1 is made for each meeting to cover the cost, where necessary for room hire. If you wish to receive regular news of meetings by email, please sign-up to do so at any meeting. We have a break in August.

Slingsby stars at Malton Museum.

by Margaret Mackinder

Slingsby Local History group has, as planned, helped Malton Museum with its current Malton goes to Market exhibition. Maurag Carmichael and Margaret Mackinder have recorded interviews of peoples’ memories of shops and the market in Malton. These have now been edited and maybe heard at Malton Museum in Yorksersgate. Slingsby contributors are Maurice Woollons, Freda Ware and Stephen and David Prest.  They are great interviews and definitely worth a listen.  If you have memories you would like to contribute, please let us know.


The Museum is open at the moment from Thursdays to Saturdays, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. up to mid-October. Entry is free, but donations are welcome. Please do go along and have a listen to the interviews! The Market project will end after this season and a completely new exhibition is planned for 2019, so don’t miss this one.