
Arboretum Closure Update – Expected High Winds

Please note that the arboretum and café will be closed tomorrow Thursday 14th March, including members’ hours from 8am, due to expected high winds.

For those attending our talk The Winter Walk at Harlow Carr with Russell Watkins tomorrow evening, this event is still going ahead. The talk will begin at 7:30pm with complimentary tea and coffee available from 7:15pm.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

The Yorkshire Arboretum

Arboretum Closure – Expected High Winds

Please note that the arboretum will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday 13th March, including members’ hours from 8am, due to expected high winds.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

The Yorkshire Arboretum

Friends of Malton Museum March Lecture

Wednesday 20th March 2019

‘National Trust – Caring for the North York Moors and Coast’

Presented by Kate Horne, Communications and Engagement Officer, South of Tyne property group

The National Trust cares for a number of sites across the North York Moors and Yorkshire Coast. These include well-known and popular places, such as the iconic Roseberry Topping and two coastal visitor centres, as well as lesser known ‘hidden gems’ such as Bransdale, a remote valley in the heart of the moors, and Hayburn Wyke north of Scarborough, where a woodland leads to a rocky bay and a double waterfall meets the sea. This talk will give a whistle-stop tour of a number of places, touching on their special features, history, landscape, habitats and wildlife. We’ll explore how the Trust works to protect them, now and for the future, touch on some current projects and look at ways the Trust is engaging people of all ages, growing a love of heritage, nature and the outdoors.

The Library, Malton School, Middlecave Road, Malton, YO17 7NH
Time: 7.30

Admission: Friends FOC, Visitors, are very welcome, £3.00.

If you have not yet become a Friend of Malton Museum and would like to attend, a message on 01653 691262 or email to [email protected] advising you would like to attend would be much appreciated.

Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Author Mick Garratt

Gardening in a changing climate

Gardening in a changing climate, Tuesday 26th March, 9.30am-4pm, Nawton
• What will changes in the climate mean for your garden?
• What can you do?
You’ll come away from this session with tips, hints and useful advice you can apply to your garden from experienced organic gardener, Barbara Hickman. Before the course, you’ll be encouraged to consider your garden – size, aspect, soil, problems, needs, limitations and what you’d really like to know (see list below). Barbara will design a programme to meet your needs.
• Gardening in a changing climate, dealing with extremes
• Encouraging wildlife with plants and management, alternatives to chemicals
Afternoon Topics (select in advance)
• Brief history of gardening, styles, great gardeners, plant introductions (one session)
• Gardening through the year, seasonal highlights, colour, height
• Organics, pest control, companion planting, feeds
• Trees – function in world, forms for smaller gardens, planting and aftercare
• Basic shrub and clematis pruning
• Vegetables fruit and herbs
• And requests from participants
Refreshments: Teas/coffees provided. Participants to provide their own lunch/sandwiches Cost: £25 (all day); £15 (morning only 09.30am-1pm) £10 (afternoon only 2pm-4pm) Tickets: 01439 770985

Full venue details made available on registration.

Map Reading/Navigation Essentials Course

Saturday 9th March, 10am-1pm Worsley Arms, Hovingham (Kent Room)

This short course will introduce you to the essentials of using a map and compass and related skills to increase your navigation confidence. We’ll start with coffee/tea and learn the basics indoors before striding out into the countryside to practice our new skills. Our course leader is Steve Sutcliffe, an experienced, qualified mountain leader, Yorkshire Tour Guide and Blue Badge Guide. Cost: £20 Contact: Ann Nightingale [email protected] to reserve your place. Payment in advance please.